
RheaWave has established an R&D team specialized in ultrasound instrumentation: from setting up acoustic measurement test benches to data processing and results quantification. RheaWave thus proposes the development and implementation of ultrasound data analysis software adapted to the needs of our customers.



RheaWave has skills in ultrasound signal processing: from “standard” tools related to linear acoustics (phase, amplitude, frequency, complex FFT, viscoelasticity, transmission and complex reflection coefficients...), in 1D or 2D (beam-forming, inverse filters), to tools developed for nonlinear acoustics including the model developed for the DAET method (patent, 2008).



RheaWave offers to its industrial customers or laboratories, a know-how acquired over twenty years of research with its doctors in the field of ultrasonic signal processing. It now has appropriate environments for scientific software development (MatLab, C++).